BA Sub-Tank Beginner's Guide

Tanks fill a critical role in BA of protecting the party from mobs that hit extremely hard. As per usual content, there are the standard Main Tank and Subtank. It is highly advised that new players prefer the ST role unless absolutely necessary (such as when there are low numbers of tanks).

New Player Tank Responsibilities


After Boss 2, you will discover the teleporter and reach 6 rooms that need to be tanked. If there are not sufficient veteran tanks in the raid, you will be expected to tank for a room.


Once ET has been called

Once room has been cleared, turn off your stance to not cause issues with aggro.

[Beginner] Action Loadouts

New tanks to BA will customarily be expected to be Subtanks. This is not required, but this is the "typical" starting point for tanks.

If you would like to read more about main tanking, please see the Main Tank Beginner's Guide.

The following are some tray loadout options based on your holster level. These loadouts are suitable to first timers in BA, but as you gain experience and clears, you can look into adding some of the other generally recommended utility.

Note: Logos Action order affects which duty action it will be slotted into. Feel free to use the "Swap" action at the Logos Manipulator for the most comfortable keybinds.

On Entry

Crack the following two trays, in order Spirit of the Remembered first, ST Tray second.

Spirit of the Remembered

This should be cracked and used on entry.

ST tray

This is a Martialist + Cure L III tray as found in many places on the following logos. This can help provide survivability to yourself and your party.

Note: You can switch Cure L III for any other utility that you would prefer. 

Recommended Holsters

This loadout is focused on death prevention for folks with limited holster capacity by bringing Cure L or Cure L III. Cure L III is preferred as it will help the healers in the case of dangerous scenarios. Use the trays from top to bottom if you are KO'd

Optionally: With a fourth tray, you can add a second spirit of the remembered

Another option if you only have three trays, this loadout provides you with more "gambles" if you die to mechanics. Unfortunately as such you rely more on Spirit of the Remembered proccing instead of upfront death prevention. The final tray provides you with Cure L III that you can use to try to stay alive to the end of BA.

This is the basic loadout that most new tanks will join BA as ST. It provides you with the ability to fill the DPS job, while having a single backup MT tray for when things go wrong and you need to become MT.

Note: You can switch Cure L III for any other utility that you would prefer. 

Recipes for Recommended Logos Holsters

Spirit of the Remembered

Martialist + Cure L III #1

Martialist + Spirit of the Remembered

Martialist + Cure III #2

[Intermediate] Useful Wisdom and Logos Options for Tanks

Tank Wisdoms

Only one of the following should be used at a time in BA.

While there may be other Wisdoms that tanks can use, they should not be used once inside BA.

Useful Logos Actions

The following logos actions have a place in a variety of loadouts for BA. These are all solid choices for "filler" logos actions in BA.

Useful for the first half of BA, unnecessary from Boss 3 onwards

Advanced Guides Index

The following advanced tanking topics are available in the Veteran Survival Guide once you are familiar with BA.