Eureka Orthos

Eureka Orthos Solo Tips/FAQ (6.4)

Which Job should I take?

The job that you can play the best, specifically whichever job you can play without looking at your bars (as you need your eyes glued on the mechanics and watching for patrols).

What is the Tier List?

The "tier list" for EO isn't as significant as it is in HoH. As any job can pull anything relatively safely, the general guidelines is that the tierlist is as follows:

* If you are progging solo; aren't familiar with mob/boss mechanics; or lacking Orthos potions, the survivability (and invulnerabilities) of tanks/healers can become very useful. While they still deal lower DPS, they can survive boss mechanics and live through many of the normal one hit KO abilities. In addition, WAR/GNB/PLD can make it from end to end with exceedingly few potions (if any)

Other miscellaneous factors to consider:

Protomander Tips/Strategy

Unless otherwise listed, you can safely keep most protomanders at at 1 or 2 from 1-70. Do note that floors 1-30 spawn new mobs every minute and you can run into issues when making storms or lethargy plays.

Due to the focus on mob mechanics, you are less likely to need certain protomanders to clear. Outside of potentially running low on time as a Tank/Healer, the protomanders can be used relatively freely without issue.

If you have two protomanders with similar effects (e.g. Sight/Safety for traps, Witching/Lethargy for CCing, demi-clone/Strength for speeding up clear, etc) you should default to using whichever you have more of.


Storms is similar to the petrify/magicite from Heaven on High.


Unlike other Deep Dungeons, the floor enchantments are much less influential overall on your run. A general rule, most floor debuffs are not a significant hinderance until you reach floor 61+.

The list of notable floor debuffs are below:

How do I deal with Dread Beasts?

Killing a dread beast provides the following:

As all dread beasts are sight, it is typically ideal to avoid them where possible as the rewards (outside of the DPS buff) are rarely worth the risk of trying to kill them.

Groups can typically choose to fight a dread beast if you have a tank and healer and on-point DPS. Witching is usually enough to minimize the risk while you burn it down.

When solo, it is effectively impossible without using a storms.

Solo Strategy

Solo primarily differs from a group run from a time management perspective. You can pull anything, but you need to make sure that you are constantly fighting and working on getting to the next floor.

Pull priority is as follows:

You can typically get away with just using free stuff until the floor 71-80 set.

All floors

Floors 1-30

Floors 31-70

Especially Dangerous Monsters

Floors 71-80

The hardest set you will face due to a lot of schenanigans and dangerous mobs.

Especially Dangerous Monsters

Floor 81-90

Time will not typically be an issue, this set is similar to the previous ones in that you will often get a lot of debuff floors.

Especially Dangerous Monsters

Floor 91-100

You have eight floors, a boss, and a 90 second or so walk.

Especially Dangerous Monsters