Beginner's Guide
As per usual, DPS jobs are here to bring the damage to ensure that enemies and bosses are downed as quickly as possible.
New Player DPS Responsibilities
+4 or +5 offensive magia (unless required for specific mechanics).
Be mindful of mob positionings and avoid accidentally pulling additional mobs.
Resolve mechanics correctly.
Deal damage to the boss and mobs found throughout the dungeon.
Limit Break on Pull
If you are a ranged or caster, you should be prepared to use the LB 1 or 2 during the pull. Please refer to the BA Guide for more information on the timing.
Note On Optimal Play
Due to the limited raises in BA, safety (ensuring that you don't fail to mechanics and die) is much more important than perfect uptime. If you new and are unsure of a mechanic, it is preferable to drop your uptime in order to do the mechanic correctly. Failing the mechanics have a much higher overall impact on the raid.
Additionally, the bulk of your potential DPS contribution is decided by the logos actions that you decide to bring. If you would like to optimize your DPS, bring the higher performance logos.
Your DPS contribution largely comes from the preparation before jumping into BA. Optimal logos actions and a properly configured magia-board (+4/5 offensive) will contribute significantly more to your overall performance than optimizing your rotation will.
[Beginner/Budget] Action Loadouts
DPS job is simple and has relatively simple beginner/budget loadouts. These are intended for first timers that may not be familiar with BA or have a limited stock of Obscure logograms.
Note: in addition to the standard Wisdom of the Skirmisher each role has their own specialized logos actions with additional bonuses to DPS and Survivability at the cost of the more expensive Obscure Logograms.
Once you have become comfortable with BA (and/or have acquired a stock of Obscures from BA or farming in Hydatos), please refer to the "[Intermediate] Useful Logos Actions" section of this guide for more details.
Note: Logos Action order affects which duty action it will be slotted into. Feel free to use the "Swap" action at the Logos Manipulator for the most comfortable keybinds.
On Entry
Crack the following two trays, in order Spirit of the Remembered first, DPS Tray second.
Wisdom of the Remembered
Skirmisher + Cure L III
Note: You can change Cure L III for a different logos action if your party has plenty of healers.
Recommended Holsters
The following are some beginner holsters which focus on providing you additional survivability in your first BA Adventure.
Note: Cure L III can be switched for other survival based tools such as Bloodbath L, Cure L II or Cure L; however, Cure L III is preferred due to it assisting your team in addition to yourself.
This loadout is focused on death prevention for folks with limited holster capacity by bringing Cure L or Cure L III. Cure L III is preferred as it will help the healers in the case of dangerous scenarios. Use the trays from top to bottom if you are KO'd.
Optionally: With a fourth tray, you can add a second spirit of the remembered.
Another option if you only have three trays, this loadout provides you with more "gambles" if you die to mechanics. Unfortunately as such you rely more on Spirit of the Remembered proccing instead of upfront death prevention. The final tray provides you with Cure L III that you can use to try to stay alive to the end of BA.
This is a basic newcomer loadout for running any DPS job.
Note: You can switch your wisdom for a high performance option for your job or Cure L III for any other utility that you would prefer.
Recipes for Recommended Holsters
Spirit of the Remembered
Skirmisher + Spirit of the Remembered
Skirmisher + Cure L III 70%
Skirmisher + Cure L III 100%
[Intermediate] Useful Logos Actions
The following is a list of useful logos actions/wisdoms that you can opt to use once you are more experienced in BA.
DPS Wisdoms
DPS have three options for Wisdoms that you can use.
Wisdom of the Skirmisher - The budget option. This provides a multiplicative +20% DPS increase for all sources of damage.
Wisdom of the Irregular - Riskier option. multiplicative +30% DPS increase for a 66% reduction in Magic Defense. This can make raidwides considerably spicier.
Role Specific Wisdom: Each role has their own specialized wisdom which can be used for additional performance at the cost of mnemes only available from Obscure Logograms.
Wisdom of the Duelist (Melee Only) - Increases Physical damage by 40% and HP by 15%.
Wisdom of the Elder (Caster Only) - Increases magic damage by 35%, magic defense by 1800 and reduces spell MP cost.
Wisdom of the Fiendhunter (Ranged Only) - Increases Physical Damage by 25% and evasion by 25%.
Useful Logos Actions
The following logos actions have a place in a variety of loadouts for BA. These are all solid choices that you can bring in place of Cure L III listed in the loadouts above.
Cure L III - This is not typically necessary when you have healers, but due to BA's entry method, it is completely possible to have zero healers in your party. Cure L III allows you to be the healer for your party.
Rapid Recast - Can be used to get more uses of key Abilities (either personal or raidwide) that can help boost your damage.
Protect L - Increases physical defense, this is primarily important for the tanks, but can be the difference from dying to certain mechanics or accidentally pulling mobs.
Shell L - Increases magic defense. Special note: Use the Protect L + Esuna Mneme which come from fundamental logograms. Shell L mneme comes from mitigatives which is expensive and should be saved for most other roles.
Spirit Dart L - Only one player in the raid needs this, but it increases damage dealt to the boss by all sources.
Feint L - This has niche use in BA as Spirit of the Remembered provides players with the bonus accuracy and makes Feint Redundant; however, if you find yourself without Spirit of the Remembered in your raid for any reason, this can be very useful.
Useful for the first half of BA, unnecessary from Boss 3 onwards
Perception - This allows DPS to scout for traps. When starting perception, it is acceptable to pair with Wisdom of the Platebearer to give you some leeway if you accidentally pull a mob. This should be dropped before you start the third boss.
Paralyze L III - This can be very useful for giving MTs a bit of survivability if paralyze procs correctly. It also can interrupt some of the high damage abilities that mobs have, such as the biblios magic hammer.
Death L - This has no use on the bosses, but up until rooms have been cleared, this can instantly kill high health mobs and speed up the run.
Ranged Only
Eagle Eye Shot: Scales based on remaining boss HP from 80 to 880 potency while generating increased aggro. Can pull aggro from the tank, so make sure to talk to your tank so they know to watch the aggro bar. This will eventually become your filler as the fight progresses and the potency increases.
Caster Only
Magic Burst: Doubles your magic damage for 20 seconds. This is an incredibly powerful cooldown that scales with your DPS wisdom. Only affects magic damage.
Bravery L: Provides a 10% damage buff to a single player for 5 minutes. Very powerful, but often unnecessary for casters to bring as healers typically bring it instead.
Advanced Guides Index
Double Edge L